Thursday, September 22, 2011

Horrible Horror #19 - Mega Piranha (2010)

Well, as promised, I finally return after several setbacks to bring you more fun. In the spirit of last episode, we're focusing on a couple more production companies that keep spewing out crap - this time, The Asylum gets a jab as we take a look at the atrocity that is Mega Piranha.

Yeah, I count monster movies as horror most of the time, even if this doesn't always quite look like a straight out horror flick. That oughta change, however, when I take a look at Full Moon next time. I have a couple in mind, but you're more than welcome to suggest a Full Moon movie you'd like to see covered - who knows, you might be aware of one more horrible than what I have in mind.

With that said, just enjoy the video, guys!

Mega Piranha is (C) The Asylum Films

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

- Stay Scared

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Recently Seen Horror #10 - Fright Night 3D (2011)

Well, sorry for my long absence - next review is being worked on, but here's a quick review of the recent Fright Night remake to entertain you for a while.

SORRY about the very dark picture, I am still getting used to the webcam on my new laptop, and it seems to have a little trouble adjusting to what little light I have. Trying to figure out a way to make that look better.

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

- Stay Scared