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Another four month wait, but finally another episode! Sorry about these episodes taking so long - it really is just that my interests are in a ton of different fields - and shortly after I uploaded Pig Sty I went to San Francisco and everything, so there's that too!
Anyway, not much to say - I just felt like it was about time to cover a bunch of cool motherfuckers in horror who just... motherfucked up this time around, I guess. The Mangler is a real stinker, guys - here's my reasons how.
The Mangler is (c) New Line Cinema
Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at
- Stay Scared
Written and Directed by Bjarke Johansen
Anders Skov
Mark Stoumann
Bjarke Johansen
Anders Lundtang Hansen
Sort Stof
I bet you thought I'd never finish this, didn't you?
Well, it's finally here - Pig Sty, my second big project short, and one that has been so long underway and gone through so and so many, many troubles due to my own lack of experience. I've come out of this wiser and more skilled than I was, and no matter the trouble I had with this one, I think it was worth it I hope you'll enjoy watching it as much as I did making it.
And as always
- Stay Scared.
Christians' Youtube Account:
Remember when I said I'd never do Let's Plays?
Well... so far, so good. This isn't really a Let's Play as much as it's my friends roping me into recording us playing games. I don't own equipment to record footage properly, so yeah, we pretty much just put a camera in front of the TV - I know, it's shitty, but this is just for shits and giggles.
I'm uploading this game first today, and the next two tomorrow and the day after.
We were playing fighting games, as explained in the video, so we're just fucking around a bit. There are five videos or so here, so heres hoping you enjoy our mad yelling and dicking around.
I'm uploading this game first today, and the next two tomorrow and the day after.
Stay Scared
- Eshbaal
VOTE FOR ME ON FILMFIGHTS (April 8th - April 22nd)
This is my entry for the latest FilmFight contest, "Whistling Past the Graveyard". It is written and directed entirely by me, and was filmed in four hours in the woods not far from a friends' place.
Thanks a lot, Niko, Anders and Crælle, for taking time out of your day to help me out with this!
Remember, only vote if you think I deserve the vote, NOT simply because you are a subscriber.
FILM FIGHTS - Whistling Past the Graveyard
Make a film about burying someone. Are you at a funeral? Is this a secret burial in the middle of the night? BONUS POINTS: For digging the grave with unorthodox tools.
Due April 8 01:30 Max
Written and directed by Bjarke Johansen
WARRIOR #1 - Bjarke Johansen WARRIOR #2 - Nikolaj Olesen MONSTER - Christian Metz
Music and sound from SoundDogs Special thanks to Anders Skov
Huzzah! Been a while since we had one of these, huh?
Yeah, the last long while has been tumultous for me, but now we're back with a new review, and not only covering a style we haven't looked at before, but also paying a bit of tribute to one of my personal heroes.
I hope to pick up the pace a bit from here, but as you can probably understand, university studies DO make that kind of difficult. All the same, it's nice to post this finally (I started writing on this one AGES ago), and I hope you enjoy it!
Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at
- Stay Scared
Time for yet another! Had a terrible cold the days before this, so I may sound a bit hoarse, but oh well.
Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at
-Stay Scared
Booya! And with links as promised. FACEBOOK: TWITTER: YOUTUBE:
Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at
-Stay Scared