Sunday, April 21, 2013

Game Night - Injustice: Gods Among Us

Christians' Youtube Account:

Remember when I said I'd never do Let's Plays?

Well... so far, so good. This isn't really a Let's Play as much as it's my friends roping me into recording us playing games.  I don't own equipment to record footage properly, so yeah, we pretty much just put a camera in front of the TV - I know, it's shitty, but this is just for shits and giggles.

I'm uploading this game first today, and the next two tomorrow and the day after.

We were playing fighting games, as explained in the video,  so we're just fucking around a bit. There are five videos or so here, so heres hoping you enjoy our mad yelling and dicking around.

I'm uploading this game first today, and the next two tomorrow and the day after.

Stay Scared

- Eshbaal

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